- Focusing on drooping, loose, sagging or older looking face.
- Loose hanging skin especially in the jowls and neck and along the jawline.
- Double chin, turkey neck, wrinkles and crepiness.
- Excess fatty accumulation in the cheeks, jowls, and neck.
- Prominent, deep laugh lines.
- Sunken cheek pads.
- MAC anesthesia can be used and the procedure takes about three hours.
- A thin incision that extends from within the hairline above the ear, continuing in front and inside the
ear, around the earlobe, in the crease, and into the back of the hairline.
- Excess skin is removed and the face is lifted and tightened.
- Surgery on the SMAS ligament and platysma muscle which are also lifted for important extra internal support
that makes the result last longer.
- Excess fat removed.
- A dressing is in place only for one day.
- You can go home after several hours.
- You can shower on the day after surgery.
- Minimal pain is mostly gone by the third day and easily controlled by medications.
- Swelling which is mild to moderate and peaks at two days then disappears rapidly over the next three weeks.
- Minimal bruising which peeks at two days then disappears rapidly by seven to fourteen days.
- Able to apply make-up in four days and comfortably appear in public at that time.
- Resume light activities within the first week, and most by at least three weeks.
- Half of the stitches are removed at six days and the rest at ten days.
- Able to return to work in 7-10 days.
- Very natural, rested, younger appearance.
- Beautiful and graceful, not a "wind-tunnel" look.
- Natural and presentable appearance in 10 days that just gets better over the next six to nine months.

More information on Facelifts