- Desire for a more youthful, enlarged, rounded, lifted and
tighter buttock.
- Designed to improve features of flattening, small size,
unevenness, sagging or deflation.
- Extremes of loose skin or no shape or no fat may make the
operation more difficult.
- Also related to outer thigh and posterior thigh sagging
which may also be improved.
- You must have some fat and muscle already present in your
buttock to serve as a foundation for the grafted fat to be placed into and to grow into.
- You must have enough fat in different areas of your body
to serve as the source for the graft.
- If you have some but not enough fat, you may need to gain
weight prior to surgery.
- You should not have had liposuction previously in the areas
we want to take fat graft source from.
- Microfat grafting is much more difficult if you have had
previous buttock implants.
- You will need enough source fat from other parts of your
body for this to work.
- Your fat cells need to be healthy before and after they
are removed from and grafted into your body.
- The fat cells transplanted will need to have a new blood
supply grow into them to survive.
- You will need very good blood supply at the site of the
transplanted cells.
- Be aware not all fat cells will survive but the ones that
do should survive forever.
- About 25% of the fat harvested is available for fat grafting
and about 80% of this survives.
- Anesthesia is a very light general and the procedure takes
at least 3 hours.
- A minimum of at least two areas that can be liposuctioned
as a source of fat are needed.
- The incisions are the same used for liposuction and are
only _" in length.
- The procedure involves first careful and gentle liposuction,
preparation of the fat, then micrografting the fat into the buttock.
- You will be turned side to side then face down for the surgery.
- No drains are used.
- Dressings and a light compression garment are used for several
- This can be combined with other plastic surgical procedures.
- You can go home after several hours or can stay overnight.
- You can shower on the third or fourth day after surgery
after the garments are changed.
- There is only minimal pain that is mostly gone by the day
2-3, and easily controlled by medications.
- Swelling is mild to moderate and peaks 2-3 days then disappears
rapidly over the next three weeks.
- Minimal or no bruising is the usual.
- Some grogginess is present which persists for about a week.
- You can resume many activities within the first week, and
most by at least three weeks.
- The stitches are either totally dissolvable or the type
to be removed at three days.
- Expect to be off of work for only three to seven days.
- Beautiful, balanced and proportioned contour.
- Larger, tighter, rounder, raised buttock.
- More confident and comfortable in clothing, especially form
fitting pants.
- Lasts the rest of your life and always looks better than
if you didn’t do it.
- Natural and presentable appearance in the first week that
just gets better over the next three to six months.