Cosmetic Laser & Surgery Network of Michigan.. Toll.Free. 1-888-99-Looks

Nasal Surgery (Rhinoplasty)


  • Focusing on a large, long, hook, bump or bulbous tip on the nose.
  • A nose that is too large or long or wide in comparison to the rest of the face.
  • The presence of difficulty breathing.
  • Desire for a softened and balanced nasal appearance.


  • Anesthesia can be MAC and the surgery takes one to two hours.
  • Very well concealed incisions are made inside the nostrils, and occasionally across the lower midsection.
  • Excess bone and cartilage is removed, reshaped, or redistributed. The skin molds down around this rearranged framework to arrive at the final cosmetic appearance.
  • The septal cartilage in the middle of the nose is molded to allow for better breathing.
  • No packing is required.
  • A splint is applied over the nose for a week to hold the tissues in place and decrease swelling.


  • You can go home after several hours.
  • You can shower the day after surgery.
  • Minimal pain that is mostly gone by the second or third day and is easily controlled by medications.
  • Some congestion and nasal drip for two to three days.
  • Swelling which is mild to moderate and peaks at two days after then disappears rapidly over the next three weeks. You will have insignificant swelling that slowly resolves over the next six to twelve months.
  • Minimal bruising between the eyes and onto cheeks which maximizes at two days then disappears rapidly by three to five days.
  • Resume many activities within the first week, and most by at least three weeks.
  • No stitches to remove, they are all dissolvable.
  • Off of work for three to seven days.


  • Very natural result.
  • A softened and beautiful balance to compliment your other facial features and proportions.
  • Natural and presentable appearance after the first week that just gets better over the next three to six months.





Cosmetic Laser & Surgery Network 
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